Stay cool - fast facts on NEA Endophytes
Every line of NEA ryegrass seed from Barenbrug is tested for endophyte before it is supplied to the NZ market. The legal industry standard for all endophytes is >70%. We will not supply seed that does not meet or exceed this standard. Every line of NEA ryegrass seed from Barenbrug is tested for endophyte before it is supplied to the NZ market. The legal industry standard for all endophytes is >70%.
We will not supply seed that does not meet or exceed this standard. We don’t just test it once. Any seed over 6 months old is grown out for a seedling test, to make sure it has >70% endophyte.
After harvest, we store all seed in 4 purpose-built cool stores. Temperature (<8C) and humidity (<50%) are strictly controlled to keep endophyte alive. We built these cool stores because some seed is always carried over from the previous year’s harvest. If we did not do this, a lot of ryegrass would not be in your store until late March.
When seed arrives into your store, keep seed in cool, dark storage conditions on site, to protect endophyte. Have a regular turnover of stock, selling older seed first. Cool, dark storage on farm is also required. NEA endophyte has been tested repeatedly for insect control, including many independent reports. Ask your Area Manager if you would like a summary of these. NEA endophytes have good control of black beetle. In diploid ryegrass, NEA endophytes have good control of ASW. All tetraploid ryegrass naturally faces higher risk of ASW attack, no matter what endophyte it contains.

A picture’s worth 1000 words. Severe stem
weevil attack in summer, NEA endophyte
looking great.

Barenbrug’ fourth cool store opened this season.