
The ultimate mixer! Makes friends wherever it grows.

Redefine is the cocksfoot your pasture has been waiting for. Polite, controlled and co-operative, it plays nicely with other species instead of taking over.

What makes it special?

Redefine is the cocksfoot your pasture has been waiting for. Polite, controlled and co-operative, it plays nicely with other species instead of taking over.


Who should sow it?

Anyone who wants the benefits of a cocksfoot without the clumpy, aggressive behaviour and clover suppression associated with older varieties.


Where does it fit?
Redefine adds diversity and climatic resilience to pastures in summer-dry regions. It is tougher than ryegrass with more summer growth.


Even finer

Since Kara was released in 1980, we have made great progress developing finer, more tillered cocksfoot cultivars. Redefine is a big step forward. At over 5000 tillers/m², you can clearly see the difference between it and other cocksfoots.



Good against grass grub

Once established cocksfoot has good tolerance of all pests. Notably, it is much more tolerant of grass grub than ryegrass.


Better palatability

Redefine lives better with clovers, meaning there’s more available nitrogen, so it's nicer to eat.


This is key, as when cocksfoot is low in crude protein (which shows with a yellowing colour), palatability and stock performance is poor.



Great team-mates

Redefine and ryegrass are ideal partners, giving more reliable pasture establishment than sowing cocksfoot as the sole grass. Redefine sown with ryegrass will be faster to grazing, with fewer weed issues, and will provide more feed over the first year.

Redefine will come through in the summer, and sowing rates can be adjusted to get the the pasture balance you want (see below).


Value vs ryegrass

This is demonstrated by the establishment year of a dryland trial comparing cocksfoot with Rohan perennial ryegrass. Rohan established much faster, providing valuable feed through to late spring. But once the dry summer hit, the deep-rooting Redefine outperformed the ryegrass.


Comparative seasonal yield over first year of dryland trial


Sowing Redefine







Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) is a very persistent perennial grass that tolerates summer dry conditions, moderate soil fertility, insect attack and continual set stocking.

Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) is a very persistent perennial grass that tolerates summer dry conditions, moderate soil fertility, insect attack and continual set stocking.

Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) is a very persistent perennial grass that tolerates summer dry conditions, moderate soil fertility, insect attack and continual set stocking.

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