- Shogun extends shoulder season growth
- Morrow and Captain provide very high summer quality
- Captain reduces N leaching & increases mineral content

Next generation mix

Proven persistent dairy mix
Next generation mix
- Rohan SPR adds density and robustness
- Rohan’s spreading habit helps pasture persist well

Cocksfoot - Driest country
Next generation mix
- Zulu II adds early spring growth, quality & N fixation
- As annuals sub and Zulu II must be allowed to set seed in spring

Brome - Dry free-draining soils
Next generation mix
- Zulu II adds early spring growth, quality & N fixation
- As annuals sub and Zulu II must be allowed to set seed in spring

Breeding ewes
Next generation mix
- Morrow and Captain add high late spring & summer quality
- Morrow provides extra N fixation
- Captain reduces N leaching & increases mineral content

High performance dairy
Next generation mix
- Viscount improves palatability, for easier grazing
- Diploid/tetraploid ryegrass combination gives robustness (over pure tetraploid pasture)
- Captain reduces N leaching & increases mineral content

General purpose
Next generation mix
- Reduced N leaching with Captain plantain
- Increased mineral content for animal health benefits
- Higher summer quality

Hill Country
Next generation mix
- Rohan SPR has unique spreading ability, increasing ground cover & reducing space for weed germination
- Persistent easy care pasture
- NEA2 or Low endophyte ryegrass to maximise animal performance