Feed quality and lamb growth
Lambs need high quality feed to grow quickly. The faster lambs grow the greater their feed conversion efficiency, as less feed energy is needed for extra days of stock maintenance.
Effect of ME on lamb growth
Feed quality is particularly important in November-February, when grasses go to seed and pastures can burn off in dry conditions.
For high LWG, lambs need a diet with an ME higher than 11. This means green, leafy pastures, with low levels of dead matter or stem, and preferably high levels of clover. (See page 120 & 107 for typical ME levels.) Small increases in forage ME can have significant positive effects on animal and farm performance.
In summer dry areas, high quality summer feed may be best supplied by clover dominant pasture, chicory, lucerne or brassicas.
Feed with ME below 9 will not grow lambs. This includes hay, low quality silage, and stemmy or dead pasture.