

Diploid italian ryegrass

Tabu+ is a record-breaker, with explosive establishment speed and superior cool season growth, plus stock love it. It's the Italian ryegrass that is unbeaten in the NFVT Italian ryegrass summary for winter yield, plus it is rated 5-stars in the Forage Value Index for winter feed nationwide.

Tabu+ was bred to supersede the best selling Tabu, with significantly higher total DM yield. Tabu+ is nutritious, with explosive establishment speed and superior cool season growth.



Tabu+ is suitable as an 8-12 month high performance crop; can last 2-3 years in areas with mild summers, or can be used for undersowing into run out pasture to boost winter-spring growth. In dense pastures, spraying before drilling is recommended. Note: Where a pasture is required for 2-3 years Shogun NEA12 may be a better option.



High winter yield

Tabu+ is the top yielding Italian ryegrass in the National Forage Variety Trials (NFVT) 12 month pasture summary, for winter growth.



2000% ROI

Tabu+ produced an extra 4t DM/ha over Moata as a 12 month crop. For an extra seed cost (e.g. $60/ha) for Tabu+, that equates to over 2000% ROI, given this extra feed is valued at about $0.40/kg DM or an extra +$1600/ha operating profit (value calculated from the DairyNZ FVI).


Soaks up winter N

The more winter growth on your farm, the more nitrogen you capture before it leaves the soil. Tabu+ hits its peak in May-August, and its super-fast cool season growth pulls up more nitrogen than slower growing pastures.


Sowing Tabu+


Italian & annual




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