Hogan sets the standard for tetraploid annual ryegrass, producing over 800kg DM/ha more (worth $320/ha) – and it looks fantastic too!
High value
Hogan establishes rapidly and out grows 30+ year old Tama by over 800kg DM/ha. If you value this cool season growth at $0.40/kg DM, Hogan’s advantage is $320/ha extra profit, i.e. a 7-8 fold return on the extra $40-$45/ha it costs to sow Hogan over Tama.
Fast establishment
Hogan is a tetraploid bred for rapid establishment (+21% faster than Tama) to provide fast feed in autumn, a critical advantage particularly following dry summers.
Winter crop
It is the ideal autumn sown 6-8 month winter crop, or spring sow for 12 months. If a longer term crop is required, Tabu+ or hybrid ryegrasses Shogun or Forge are better options.
Sowing Hogan