Grow. Graze. Repeat. Morrow multi-stemmed (MS) red clover brings better grazing tolerance to NZ farmers, plus high yield in summer and autumn
Great pedigree
Morrow comes from a tough family. Most red clovers wouldn’t last long under intensive rotational dairy grazing on light, upper North Island soils. But Morrow’s parents did. Over time, they adapted, survived, and produced well, even after repeated droughts.
We took plants from these old NZ pastures, and bred and selected the best of them for high yield, persistence and flowering to create a multi-stemmed red clover for improved production and persistence under grazing.
Red clover’s biggest drawback has always been limited persistence under grazing. Morrow’s improved grazing tolerance – helped by its high stem count and semi-prostrate form - means it will keep boosting production year on year. Like all red clovers Morrow will persist best on free-draining soils under a longer summer grazing round.
Quality + yield when it counts
High ME and high DM together create ideal late spring and summer finishing feed, giving high quality as grass ME drops off, and driving rapid liveweight gains for lambs and cattle.

CRW tolerance
Red clover is tolerant of clover root weevil, providing pasture species diversity and extra legume content.
Free N
Red clover fixes its own nitrogen, adding it naturally to pastures in a slow, continual way. This will be ever more important to provide N on farm, as fertiliser comes under increasing environmental scrutiny. Morrow can fix over 200 kg N/ha based on its yield (about 25 kg/N per t DM grown).
Phyto-oestrogen levels
Morrow has low-medium phtyo-oestrogen levels. Even so, take care with ewes or hoggets 3-6 weeks either side of mating. High red clover intake at this time is best avoided.
Sowing Morrow
Morrow Red Clover is owned and marketed by Barenbrug
Morrow Red Clover is protected under the NZ Plant Variety Rights Act 1987