Fusarium (damping off, root/bulb rot)
Various Fusarium spp. cause beet damping off and root and bulb rots.
For damping off symptoms, refer to Rhizoctonia. Bulb rot presents as white to pink masses of spores at soil level and on the bulb. Internally, brown tissue necrosis is similar to that of R. solani. Root rots show as dark brown lesions and tip die-back.
Bulb rot caused by Fusarium spp
Damping off caused by soil-borne Fusarium spp. together with other pathogens can occasionally cause significant plant loss at establishment. Fusarium bulb rots can occur in the absence of break crops.
Fusarium spp. can be both soil-borne and rain-splashed. Spores can remain viable in the soil for many years without a host, and can also be spread by stock and machinery.
Allow at least 3 seasons between crops if infection occurs. Restrict movement of soil via machinery and livestock from infected fodder crops.