
Diploid perennial ryegrass

Maxsyn is the next generation in perennial ryegrass – proving itself to be persistent, tough, and with very high year-round yield. It shines in summer, staying noticeably greener. High tiller numbers help it tolerate a range of different stresses. Available with NEA4 or Low endophyte; heading +8 days.

 Persistence +

Maxsyn with NEA4 endophyte had our top persistence rating. With NEA12 it’s better
again. That’s what you get when top endophytes meet strong summer growth and
tillering, plus plenty of daughter tillers in spring to thicken pasture.


Shines in summer 

Warm season growth is Maxsyn’s super-power. If you’ve ever run short of feed in
summer, you know how valuable this is. Visually you can see the difference - Maxsyn
stays green longer when the heat is on. Maxsyn NEA12 takes this up a notch, with
over 5% more summer yield than NEA4.

Maxsyn NEA4 paddock, standing out in                 Maxsyn NEA4, centre, still green in 
North Waikato in January.                                        Taranaki in February. 


Densely tillered

The more tillers a pasture has, the more robust and persistent it is. Maxsyn is denser than Trojan ryegrass.


Maxsyn has excelled in our breeding and trial programme, particularly on tough sites in the hotter climate of the upper North Island and on difficult soils.


Greater yield

Maxsyn and NEA4 endophyte make a great couple. The partnership with NEA12 is
even happier, and gives an extra 4% total yield to Maxsyn over NEA4.


Pest control +

Maxsyn with NEA4 has proven to deliver excellent persistence under moisture stress,
heat and insects, sometimes all at once! NEA12 supercharges Maxsyn, providing a
greater level of control of more insects including Argentine stem weevil, root aphid,
black beetle, root aphid and porina.


Staggers risk

In most cases Maxsyn NEA4 and NEA12 will deliver excellent animal health.


■ NEA4: For dairy cows and beef it provides ryegrass staggers free pasture. For
sheep and deer, there is a very low risk of ryegrass staggers when grazing NEA4

■ NEA12: For dairy cows and beef, we believe it will provide ryegrass staggers free
pasture in nearly every situation. There is a risk of ryegrass staggers in sheep or
lambs if you graze into the base of the pasture in summer dry conditions. NEA12
is not recommended for horses or deer

In all cases ryegrass staggers is much less likely if you sow a pasture mix with high
legume or herb content, or feed supplement as part of the diet.


Sowing Maxsyn




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Perennial ryegrass

Throughout NZ, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is the grass of choice for permanent pastures. It establishes rapidly, yields well, tolerates a range of management practices and has a high nutritive value.

Throughout NZ, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is the grass of choice for permanent pastures. It establishes rapidly, yields well, tolerates a range of management practices and has a high nutritive value.

Throughout NZ, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is the grass of choice for permanent pastures. It establishes rapidly, yields well, tolerates a range of management practices and has a high nutritive value.