
Tetraploid annual ryegrass

Hogan is a classic large-leaved, glossy green annual and comes with exceptional performance, as shown by its top ranking in the National Forage Variety Trials (NFVT) for annual ryegrass. Very fast establishing with +14 days heading, it is mainly used as a 6-8 month winter crop.

Hogan sets the standard for tetraploid annual ryegrass, producing over 800kg DM/ha more (worth $320/ha) – and it looks fantastic too!


High value

Hogan establishes rapidly and out grows 30+ year old Tama by over 800kg DM/ha. If you value this cool season growth at $0.40/kg DM, Hogan’s advantage is $320/ha extra profit, i.e. a 7-8 fold return on the extra $40-$45/ha it costs to sow Hogan over Tama.


Fast establishment

Hogan is a tetraploid bred for rapid establishment (+21% faster than Tama) to provide fast feed in autumn, a critical advantage particularly following dry summers.

Hogan is unbeaten in the annual ryegrass National Forage Variety Trial summaries.


Annual Ryegrass: All New Zealand trials (yields by season as a percentage of Mean and LSI)


Winter crop

It is the ideal autumn sown 6-8 month winter crop, or spring sow for 12 months. If a longer term crop is required, Tabu+ or hybrid ryegrasses Shogun or Forge are better options.


Sowing Hogan


Hogan annual ryegrass is owned and marketed by Barenbrug
Hogan annual ryegrass is protected under the NZ Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
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Italian & annual

Italians are fast establishing with good winter growth and feed quality. Mainly used for short term winter crop, 2-3 year pasture under summer mild condtions, or undersowing into run out pasture to boost growth. 

Annuals are generally used for 6-8 month winter crop prior to sowing a summer crop. Similar winter growth to Italian ryegrass but generally have little persistence. 

Italians are fast establishing with good winter growth and feed quality. Mainly used for short term winter crop, 2-3 year pasture under summer mild condtions, or undersowing into run out pasture to boost growth. 

Annuals are generally used for 6-8 month winter crop prior to...

Italians are fast establishing with good winter growth and feed quality. Mainly used for short term winter crop, 2-3 year pasture under summer mild condtions, or undersowing into run out pasture to boost growth. 

Annuals are generally used for 6-8 month winter crop prior to sowing a summer crop. Similar winter growth to Italian ryegrass but generally have little persistence.