Better wintering
Wintering systems are under the spotlight, with a focus on caring for animals well, and reducing mud in crops. Bombardier EG kale helps achieve this because it is palatable and easier to graze right to the base, providing high utilisation with high animal performance.
This can improve animal intake particularly in adverse weather, when grazing time may be limited. Reduced wastage also means increased efficiency, which is better for the environment.

Systems fit
Bombardier EG kale suits systems where higher animal intakes and performance are required. These include dairy cow grazing for increased BCS; heifer, bull and steer systems where weight gain is critical; and sheep systems for good stock performance.
Excellent yield
The total yield of Bombardier EG kale is very high.
Environmental benefits
Bombardier's very high utilisation means more efficient use of crop nutrients. High palatability and intake rates better suit on/off grazing systems to reduce mud creation. Less crop residual reduces the energy required for sowing the following catch crop or pasture.
More ME/bite (right to the ground!)
Bombardier has exceptional feed quality, so animals get more ME per bite. This advantage reaches right to the ground, meaning easier utilisation than other cultivars. Bombardier has higher ME and lower fibre in the bottom third of its stem.
Kale feed quality as metabolisable energy (ME) in MJ ME/kg DM*
Rape alternative
With its very high stem quality, Bombardier can be used in place of an autumn and/or winter grazed rape crop, with several advantages.
- It does not require ripening pre-grazing
- It presents fewer animal health problems
- It is more flexible in the time of grazing.
Later sowing
Management of Bombardier is similar to other kales except we recommend a later sowing date (late November onwards). Avoid sowing in areas prone to high winds and crop lodging. While Bombardier’s very soft stems are ideal for grazing they do make it more susceptible to lodging than traditional kales.